Journal, Review, and Inspiration

Journal, Review, and Inspiration

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


i think blaster is never out of date. you still can mix and match your lovly fashion item with it. i have unbraded black and white dress with diagonal  blaster.
 picture number 1:
veil: Paris unbranded
bag: Unbranded
maxi cardigan : ZARA
watch : Guess
this outfit is so sweet kinda outfit, looks so feminim and minimalis
picture 2:
Shawl : Nabilia flower print
Shoes : Charles and Keith Galdiator
with the same maxi dress and watch
but i think in second picture Gladiator and the full flowery printed shawl makes my style more edgy ;)
well what you think

Sunday, November 6, 2011

MY Best Freind Forever

Best Friend is people that dare to say the truth to you, dare to say sorry, dare to say "iew you looking ugly in that" people to back you up when someone else run and hiding from you. best friend is your mate, is your treasure box and your garbage basket as well.
dan best friend akan selalu ada ketika kamu menggalau.

we are 20 something and happy
we are hilariously funny
with a cup of green tea frappe

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pengejar Angin Gala Premier

1st November its another Rocking day, not only for me but also for my Hijabers Friends
 Malam itu semua komite Hijabers Palembang hadir untuk mensupport our lil sister, Siti Helda, she played as Nyimas on Pengejar Angin Movie. We really proud of you Selly....

see the review HERE

Buat gue pribadi, kesan gue nonton film ini. Gue suka ada sebuah film bertaraf nasional  dan disutradarai oleh sutradara sekelas Hanung Bramantyo yang nyeritain tentang kehidupan anak muda di Sumatera Selatan. Setting-an film dengan latar belakang keindahan alam Sumatera Selatan, i need to say, i am so proud being Semateranese. Menariknya, penokohan dalam film ini bikin gue jatuh cinta. Nggak hanya dengan karakter dan tokoh-tokohnya, tapi juga dengan beberapa quote dalam film ini. Salah satunya, adalah quote dari emak si Dapunta ketika emak memberikan cincinnya, harta satu-satunya, yang paling bermakna buat emak dan harus dijual untuk biaya Dapunta demi menggapai cita-citanya.
Ini cuma benda mati.
Quotenya singkat, tapi gue suka banget!!!
terlepas dari gue kenal Selly, pemeran Nyimas, secara pribadi. gue akui Selly You rock, ngga nyangka dan bangga banget. si Bungsu di committe ini pinter akting. Buat orang yang pertama kali main film, Selly, menurut gue lu so natural infront of camera. 
Love ya, and wish you Luck.

 me and selly/Siti Helda (Nyimas)

me and Qausar (Dapunta)
me with Matias Muccus (Pendekar Lahat)
me with Hanung Bramantyo (Director or Pengejar Angin)
i met Sazkia, i gave her one eksemplar of my Book Mate. and she is so Humble...
Hijabers Palembang Committe with Zaskia and Wanda Hamida

Thats a Wrap!!! So Readers you can enjoy this movie on teather on 3rd November 2011.

Launching My first Book

30th October my baby was born, my first novel, my #MATE

reading MATE while listening Angel by Sarah Mclachlan
MATE  adalah buku pertama gue. gue udah suka nulis dari kecil, dari umur 10 tahunan. selama ini masalahnya mungkin hampir sama kayak temen-temen lain yang juga suka nulis. Gue kurang dedikatif sama tulis menulis. menulis sesuatu cuma kadang putus aja ditengah jalan. atau punya suatu karya cuma gue simpen doank dalam bentuk file yang akhirnya hanya teronggok dalam laptop aja.
Then, this is the law of attraction works on me. inside my head, i always wanna be an author, writing things its so works on me when i am sad, happy, or when someidea just come up into my head. and i think i need to reborn my idea into something that people can know bout it, and make other people rethink a bout it too. and at the end when they rethink and make their own piece of art. for me my piece of art is a book, for others maybe it can be a song, a picture, a gown, a sketch or many many other things.
Sekitar bulan Juni yang lalu, entah apa yang menggerakkan gue, gue datang gathering nulis buku club buat pertama kalinya, seorang diri. waktu itu ada seorang anggota yang bertanya ke gue, adakah buku yang udah gue tulis dan masih tersimpan di laptop.
Nggak ada.
Gue benar-benar mati suri dari kegiatan tulis menulis sejak lulus SMA. tapi berkat mereka, anak-anak nulis buku club palembang yang selalu kasih support buat para anggotanya. gue jadi termotivasi. Gue mulai nulis MATE ini tepat setelah lebaran, dan menyelesaikan 209 halaman hanya dalam satu bulan, satu bulan yang bikin jerawat diwajah bersemi. Hahahhahaa..... dan itu semua karena gue ngejer target buat nyelesain buku sebelum Oktober. karena terus terang gue nggak pede buat launching sendirian. SO gue Launching buku ini bersama 13 buku lainnya.
 Hari minggu tanggal 30th Oct itu gue sama anak-anak NBC ngadain launching buku bareng di Dfabs (Social&Cafe), tamu undangan yang hadir sekitar 100 orang. Dan tentunya gue mengundang temen-temen terdekat gue, lovly people i know, that supporting me since MATE just embrio inside my mind.
My Sister with me...

and of course My Besties

and some of my friends as author too

and this Gothic Girl is sweet briliant one, she help me alot with verry artistic cover for my book MATE

You can find her  HERE

and this is my speech time...campain campian...campain for my book

time to signing my book

and taking a picture with one of my reader,Arinah

WONderful sunday at the end of October
thanks to Nulis Buku to Publish my dream you rooooccckk